5 Best Self Care Tips for Busy Women

Making time for self care is something that I struggle with and if you are reading this then maybe we’re both on the same page. I’m on a mission to make more time for relaxation, pampering, affirmations, meditation, and much more. I know life can be hectic but hopefully these tips will help to add some self care to your week!

#1 Face Massage and Morning Stretch

I love a good face massage in the morning. I use this Gua Sha and face roller after washing my face, applying face toner, and serum. This definitely makes me look more awake in the morning plus it feels amazing. When I add in a quick 2 min stretch, my morning just seems to flow better lol. I’m not trying to do too much in the morning when I’m getting ready for work but I do want to do something that gets my body going so this routine helps out a lot with that. (If the gua sha is sold out here’s a great alternative)

#2 Listening to Affirmations

Self care doesn’t always have to be about skin or body care. It can also be about mindset and growing mentally. Affirmations have been my go to when I want to implement a change or grow mentally. I listen to affirmations while driving, when I’m getting ready in the morning, and sometimes before bed. It is (in my opinion) the best way to get on a different energetic frequency and to bring in more abundance.

#3 A Simple treat

Sometimes if my day is not going so well or I just feel overwhelmed, I will get myself something small from this bakery at work. I love a good muffin and they have some of the best ones. I just go and order my favorite muffin and my troubles melt away for that moment. Sometimes it’s the small things that make the biggest impact.

#4 Meditation

Meditation is a great way to calm your mind and get into a more positive state of being. It doesn’t have to be that long of a mediation, even 5 minutes is long enough to calm your mind and body and recenter for a better day. Listening to a soothing voice or even just music and can bring some peace to your mind.

#5 Journaling at Night

Journaling at night is a form of self care because it helps to get out all of your frustrations, emotions, and feelings. You could even journal about your future self and write a letter or write out a day about your future self to manifest it. Journaling is a practice that I try to do often just to brain dump sometimes because I tend to overthink about things. Writing out my thoughts and feelings at night helps me to not worry in my sleep which in turn helps me to sleep better.

I hope these tips help to bring in more self care into your routine so that you can live a life of abundance and maybe romanticize your life as well. Life is what we make of it, so why not manifest what we want.

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